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A Bit of Background

How We Got Started

We started breeding these wonderful animals back in 2000. Originally we did not plan to operate as a professional Small Business, we just wanted a wonderful pet for ourselves. However, we became hooked and soon we added a second and then a third one to our family.

After acquiring a lot of information about the breeding process, we decided to do our part in preserving it, which led to the birth of our San Francisco business. Since then, we’ve known so much love, joy and excitement! Contact us to find out more.

Guiding Philosophy

How We Do Things

At Golden Dreams of Texas, we are rigorous in screening and selecting the right home for each animal. If we do not think your home is the best place for them, we will redirect you to a different Small Business who might be a better fit. To reserve an animal, please get in touch. Note, we will not separate our babies from their mothers until they are old enough.

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